Originally Posted By: liquidsquid
Wow, can I come?!? My wife may divorce me, but god that sounds like fun!

Heck, why not! You'd be divorced and I'd be unemployed, but man we will have a great time! smile

Originally Posted By: Bob-O
Faith, hiring a professional to edit, splice etc,etc all of your film into maybe an hr segment may be better than hiring a filmer. You know that every outdoor show you watch for an hr has been condensed from many hrs of film.

Ah, but if we had a film crew along we would then have a bigger vehicle to accommodate them and all our stuff (at their expense of course) which at this point will be piled high in our rented Toyota Rav4! Anything bigger was limited miles and half the mpg.

I wonder if we'll get charged more when I turn it in if it smells "fishy" smile

Keith - Still Lovin Livin

(a short video tribute to the PB members we met on our 5 week fishing adventure)

Formerly: 2ac LMB,HSB,BG,HBG,RES