I will confirm that Tilapia don't "appear" to eat it. This plant showed up about three years ago for me too. I have stocked tilapia for two years now, and haven't noticed a decrease in the plant, however can't rule out the option that they aren't eating some( I can't see what they are doing ;)), but the plant hasn't been getting out of control either. TJ and Bill both said that it shouldn't be to much of a problem and it hasn't been.

This spring I had a large amounts of this plant float, and it appeared dead and decomposing. Floating all over the surface. Just as bad as FA would be. Nasty to view, and hard to fish. A windy day came along and seemed to have sunk it, and all is fine now.

Could this be result of the harder winter and the plant had a die off because of it? Or is this a normal seasonal process?