They were in 3 different coolers. I only had an issue with 2 of the coolers. I'm sure a lot if not most of the fish are fine. Again I'm not looking to place any blame anywhere, this was my first time stocking, I thought I had a good plan. My main concern is I don't know how many are dead. The dead BG I have seen are on the bottom and I can see a very small portion of the bottom so there could be thousands dead. I have seen only a hundred or so dead BG but how many are in deep water that I can't see? I guess my main question is will it hurt anything to add more next month in case so many died that it affects my stocking plan? I may be worrying for no reason, I just really want to do this right.

Will they float to the top in the next few days so I have a better idea?

Again I am not putting any blame on the hatchery except I think the trash bags were not the best idea. I think everything would have been fine if they would have stayed sealed and the oxygen would have not been lost.