Originally Posted By: snrub
I do also Dwight but have a problem with a government mother coming on private property and ticketing a private owner for doing his own thing and determining his own level of risk he is willing to bear. What if we were all required to wear arm floaties when we swim?

Freedoms are not taken away all at once. That would result in a revolution. They are taken away slowly, one at a time, till we wake up one day and realize we no longer live free, but in a police state.
You are preaching to the choir on Government nannism and usurping our freedoms. I just wrote another big check to the National Treasury most of which will be wasted on waste.

About Illinois; we never ever drive in Illannoy when we head out on a road trip. There is no road that isn't under construction. Living in Minnesota; there isn't much to brag about other than 9879 lakes away from the tax sink hole in MSP.

Not political, just saying........

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