Just another FWIW, but I've had several members PM me about my cabinet that's been outside since June, 2012, through some harsh winters and still holding up fine. I was going to insulate the inside (for noise) but never got around to it, but it's fairly quiet the way it is!

Originally Posted By: Lovnlivin

I don't know if these will help but they may give you an idea as to how I built my compressor cabinet.
(glued & screwed)

The hole in the bottom is for the cooling fan. The hole in the back is for the vent, positioned so the fan draws the air across the compressor.

The vent in the back is actually a dryer vent and I zip-tied a screen in the bottom of it to keep critters out.

Up and running for 2 years now, nearly 24/7, just replacing the exhaust filter about every 3 months.

If you have any questions please let me know.


Keith - Still Lovin Livin

(a short video tribute to the PB members we met on our 5 week fishing adventure)

Formerly: 2ac LMB,HSB,BG,HBG,RES