Sam, my experience is somewhat similar to yours – channel cats are very difficult to catch on anything that does not resemble and smell like fish pellets.

450 channel catfish are a lot of fish in a half-acre pond – they will cause big problems in a couple of years if not thinned out – they will eat you out of house and home and muddy up your pond as they grow larger.

You did not mention other species that you stocked.

If you are a fly fisherman, you can tie up a foam pellet fly, or purchase a craft store item called “PomPom”. Store them in a zip-lock bag with ground up fish pellets.

Another product that works for me, suggested by Bruce Condello, is a Berkeley earthworm product called “Gulp”

Cut up the Gulp earthworm into pellet sizes and put on a small hook.
Works best cast on a fly rod.

We overstocked CC some 4+ years ago in a new pond and they have become 6 – 8 lb nuisances.

Hope this helps.

Email me if more info needed on pellet fly tying instructions.

George Glazener
N.E. Texas