This is my fist post, any help would be appreciated.

My channel cats are 17 months old. I stocked 450 fingerlings in a half acre pond and have been feeding them floating fish food during the months they would feed. I could see some were growing large last fall and decided to catch a few and finally eat what I have grown. I have tried many baits and they would not bite.

Last month I was throwing a spinner bait and caught a 2 pounder, go figure. Tasted real Good!! Fished all weekend with different stink baits, live worms, minnows, etc. Not one bite.

I have not fed this pond this year since temp rose hoping that would encourage them to bite a hook. Not working. Threw a handful of fish food in yesterday and several came to feed. Any suggestions or favorite catfish bait to use.

Sam, Pond Sponge & 1st Pond Boss Conference Attendee