TJ - nuked it last night, but I'm afraid my calculations were off as no floaters as of yet.

Assumptions - to raise the water to lethal levels (12 or better PH) I need:

220 lbs of lime for 26,415 gallons of water

(based on 100kg/100 cubic meters at 1 meter depth)

There were 2 pools left, the small one was 15 feet wide, 30 feet long and an average depth of 2 feet. Calculating the volume of an ellipse takes me to 471 cubic feet. 7.5 gallons per cubic foot = 3532.5 gallons of water. Assuming standard alkalinity (I did not check) I should need 30 lbs or so. I added 100 lbs.

The 2nd pool was approximately double the size of the 1st. Simple math shows I need 60 lbs. I added 200.

I immediately had small fish piping and/or jumping out of the water. That told me I was on the right track. But no floaters this morning. I'm making the assumption that the cold water is inhibiting decay and thus they're all on the bottom.

Anyone want to poke holes in my math? My intention is to buy test strips today and check the PH - it'll be 24 hours after application. What should I expect to see, I'm assuming around 10 or better still? It hasn't rained so volume is the same as when applied.


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"When tempted to fight fire with fire, remember that the Fire Department usually uses water." - anonymous