I hear you Tim. Those red squirrels and chipmunks have cost me $$$$.$$ in damage, easily several thousand mad

I had a bunch of stuff stored in Fremont. I thought it was fairly secure from theft, but the rodents never entered the equation at the time.

I hauled a bunch of stuff to the shop in the fall of 2013 and was totally appalled when I unpacked. Chipmunks got into everything. They got into so much, I can't even describe it here. Just to give you a hint, I opened my 7 drawer Kennedy tool box up and most of the drawers were full of eaten acorns and they pissed all over everything. My Starrett and Mitutoyo precision tools were all junk. One drawer they did not get into, everything is fine. This is only one thing they got into - It gets worse!

Field mice are probably more evil. They can get into places a chipmunk can't, and how the hell did they fill up my HP 1220C printer with dog food? It was a backup, NEW and stored, but became junk. Let's not talk about the nest they made in the head of my drill press mad

While TJ and Edison may be on the same page with this battery powered stuff, I'm going with Tesla and Westinghouse wink laugh

Have you ever been woken up at 2:00 am when the furnace blower in your camper kicked in and it was beating something to death? Yep, field mouse got in from the outside, and it was ugly. Had to rip the furnace out, but fortunately, mice bounce when they get caught in the blower, and not much blood and guts. I can take that furnace out in my sleep wink