We convinced some friends of ours to buy some land near us here in Tennessee and part of the land included a 1/3 acre pond. No one had done anything with this pond in a long time. The dam had partially washed out and pushed the water level down to about 6' from about 9'. (we'll be fixing the dam later)

Anyway, we fished the pond and just sat and watched it for several weeks over different times etc and we caught a fair number of small crappie and a small number of small bass. The avg crappie was 6"maybe getting up to 8" (nothing large enough I would want to spend the time cleaning to eat) and the bass were all small in the 8" to 10" range for the most part and a few at maybe 12". Not many though. Also, all of the fish were thin.

We noticed that there were no forage fish anywhere to be found. No minnows, nothing small so I'm assuming that they are eating their own since there is nothing else for them to eat in the pond.

My thought at this point is to introduce some FHM in pretty large numbers to help make sure that the feeding frenzy they are likely to trigger leaves some of them uneaten. My thought at this point was 1000 FHM just to see what happens. They won't be moving down here full time for a few years so there won't be a lot of work being done to the pond for a while, but it would be nice to start working towards fixing the fish balance and sizes.