Hi Everyone,

Long time reader, first time poster, excellent forum... This winter we finally moved into a new home that has pond. Since it was frozen over and covered in snow I didn't really know the condition of it but now that things are warming up I'm starting to see I have a lot of work to do... eek

Approx 3/4 of an acre in size, round in shape with a small island in the middle, no more than 8ft deep but averages 3-4 i'd say.. The pond used to have an aeration system but somewhere along the way the pump must have failed because the cabinet is empty (to my surprise). I'd like to get a new setup and I've been trying to read as much as I can about systems. I THINK I've narrowed it down to these two but would love all your expert advise!!!

Airmax PS30
Matala 120 - MPC-120C1-KIT

One is better than the other? Any other brands I should be considering or stay away from? I want something quality but since this if my first Pond I just don't feel like I know enough to make a good decision yet.

Appreciate the consideration!