Originally Posted By: Stant
I have a siphon drain that has not be siphoning for several months. Thinking it was a blocked inlet we hired a commercial dive team to come look. Before going into the water they blocked the outlet with a plug. Within 10 minutes of blocking the outlet the siphon kicked in and upon removing the plug siphoned as designed. We left the drain in siphon mode and when I returned the next day the pond was draining normally. After a heavy rain over the weekend the pond is two inches over the vent tube and no siphoning is occurring. Any ideas what might be happening?


Just to help get it straight in my own mind, you have water running out the pipe as the pond overflows the excess water, but the water is only flowing at a rate commensurate with a standard overflow pipe and not the extra high flow rate that would be flowing when the pipe enters siphon mode flow rate. Is this assumption on my part correct? Does that explain the current situation? You have flow but only standard flow rather than siphon rate flow.

Last edited by snrub; 03/19/15 09:26 AM.


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