Bottom line is there are some general guide lines to try and go by that the pros will tell you about. That does NOT mean it will or won't work that way in each and every pond! Come on guys were dealing with fish here and mother nature. They both have a mind of there own that's for sure!

Keep in mind that most studies are done over several years just to make sure that you did not get lucky a couple of times or for some freak reason it just worked once or twice. Each and every one of us manage their ponds in some kinda different way. I do not do exactly what Eric does or TJ or Bill Cody or n8ly, for that matter, but I am still having success.

So is my way wrong and their way is right no! There are just to many determining factors about each pond that can be different to say who is right or wrong with what they are doing unless it's flat out just "Stupid" for a better lack of words. With that said I can't wait to get back to fly fishing for my 10 inch BG! This weather is killing me......


The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!