I guess what needs to be remembered here is (water temp) maybe? Jason I am not far from you here in Arkansas and I fed my CNBG around Jan 31st when I was at my pond, and they did feed and I was really surprised that they did. I was not expecting it but at that point is was not very cold here yet? I do not know what my water temp was either.

So maybe depending on water temps in your giving area this would work, but as some stated you and I both don't really have "Winter" like folks from Kansas on up. We may get a few nasty days like we are now, but in a week to a few days it will be gone and then we are right back up to air temps in the 50's and lower 60's. Me being from Wisconsin my while life you can't really call this quote Winter down here.

From what I can take from this is in my situation if I have water temps around 50 or a bit higher I should be able to feed some then. Which I never really thought about doing. And also tells me I could feed into mid November easy instead of mid October here and maybe longer if temps are right. So thanks for the input. What we ALL need to be careful about is making blanket statements about a study we did because what may work for us may not work 8 to 10 hours North of us. Not saying you made a blanket statement just saying we need to be careful about doing that.


The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!