My geo water runs 150' through 4" corrugated tubing. My guess is that my water gets pretty oxygenated. I also have the aerator running all winter. I should have DO readings in the max range come even fall. I'm not dismissing your theory Bill D., just challenging it. My neighbors water is about 45 degrees, in this current climate, when it comes off the mouth of his "creek". I think the stats on the geo water is cooling about 6 to 8 degrees when heating? If that is true, my discharge would be about 45, the same as his creek is.

All this aside, his water is, RIGHT NOW, colder then mine is in the fall. His fish still feed.

I believe this is an example of why nobody should ever use absolutes when discussing not only what fish will do but ANYTHING.

I make guns, when I started doing it there were ideas I had that the "experts" at the time said wouldn't work. I did those things, I did them well, and they weren't supposed to work. Now some people even look to me as an expert. I will not ever talk to anyone in absolutes unless they want to know what 2+2=

The OP of this thread is talking in absolutes, the advice he was given earlier in the other thread had absolutes, I never saw one piece of scientific evidence saying that the OP would be wrong. I still haven't seen any scientific evidence saying the OP is right. I have a pond next door that is not acting like it should be according to some on this site and I have my own pond acting exactly like what some on this site would think is normal.

When my fish were planted in October the DO reading was almost 10 according to the supplier.

I just got a new pond, I made it twice because I aint so bright.