I'll throw some more fuel on this fire.

I have a max depth 14' BOW, just dug it deeper last summer, that is just over .10 acres. I tried to feed in the winter and failed. My fish are all trout, browns and rainbows with some golden rainbows as well. They literally will NOT take feed when my water hits just over 40 degrees. I can go days, try again, they won't take the feed. My pond gets its water from run off and geo thermal furnace discharge and is aerated all year long.

My neighbor has a pond same size in every way. His HOWEVER has an artesian well intake of 60GPM and his water does not get below 40 degrees ever. He'll get a skiff of ice on the top when it's 0 or less but the water just under that is much warmer, always at least 40. He has the EXACT same fish as me, same supplier as well. His inlet temperature is 52 degrees and does a great job regulating his water temp after it makes its way down his 60 foot creek we made.

My neighbor feeds his fish the same food I do. His fish TAKE the feed even when there's a skiff of ice on the top of the water and -9 outside! His fish are growing like CRAZY and have put on HUGE weight and inches this winter. My fish are doing nothing under the ice, caught a few ice fishing and they haven't done squat.

What I can't figure out is why his fish are taking feed now when mine shut down back in early November. My water temp in November was just over 40 degrees and his is just barely over 40 degrees now. Yet his fish act like it's a nice spring day and nail that feed, they are growing while mine are not as a result.

I just got a new pond, I made it twice because I aint so bright.