I'm confused here? So you want to plead your case which is fine but you also want to make sure everyone knows you got some bad advice? I have a pond here in Arkansas have had it since 2009 I stocked CNBG in it in May 2010 they were 2 to 4 inches. I caught this bute below this last may. 4 years 11 inches long. It was close to 1.5 pounds. I have never fed from mid October to mid March. Could I have I guess I could have... but here is what I think. Your CNBG grow quite fast right up to about 9 inches that last 2 to 3 inches takes a while no matter how you feed them I think. A 2 pound CNBG isn't gonna get that way just off of feed. I believe genetics has some to do with it also! As I can catch a lot of 8 to 9 inch fish but 10 plus are not that easy?

If you feed in winter will you get to that possible 2 pound fish before I do? Well maybe... and maybe I already have some and I just can't hook them??

Bottom line is this. Any advise giving out here is just that. Free advise. If what you consider a "Pro" on this forum tells you something then I would take extra caution in what they say but that does not mean they are or will be right all the time. The term "It All Depends" was made up for a reason. smile Keep in mind a "Pro" on this forum is just telling you what they think is best it does not mean it's written in stone...

Attached Images
11 inch BG.jpg

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!