I'm something less than a novice when it comes to photography, but trying to improve. I don't really understand apetures or shutter speeds yet, just doing my best with a cheap Cannon SX50. These shots were taken in my backyard - thought I would share them.

Ruby Throated Hummingbird - one of my first efforts, obviously still trying to figure out how to focus my subject. Still rare to catch one of these perched, thought I'd add it.

Tutfted Titmouse

Female Northern Cardinal - 200x zoom kinda fuzzy

Male Northern Cardinal, bathing

Northern Flicker

Downy Woodpecker

Red Bellied Woodpecker

This Sharp Shinned Hawk paid my HOSP trap a visit one morning to see what all the commotion was about. Amazing.

Leering down at a meal - how do I get in there?


Blue Jay

Goldfinch - winter color

Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. ~ Henry David Thoreau

[Linked Image from i1261.photobucket.com]