Will do, Esshup... My dozer guy swears there are no leaks. To put things in perspective, the section of the dam that settled is about 14-15 ft above grade (all new clay) and 20-25 ft wide at the bottom. There are other parts of the dam (not as high) that have settled about 6 inches or so. I'm pretty sure it's just the clay mix soaking up water and compacting. We cored the new section and there doesn't appear to be any shifting. But, all things considered, it still seems like a lot of settling to me so you can bet I'll be watching. smirk

We're heading up this weekend and there hasn't been much rain recently. So, I should be able to tell if there are any new streams of water flowing from around or under the dam. eek

If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles.
- Doug Larson