First of all, sorry that I posted this and then skipped out for about a month with no good Internet access.

Still up in the air about how to proceed, but some of these comments help solidify my thinking. The land is split about 50/50 with 80 acres being tillable and 80 timber. I have had the timber value surveyed and it could fetch several thousands of $$$ if harvested and sold. That will be pointed out to any potential buyers or on a auction sale bill.

I will contact the next door land owners and see if they want it, I know one does, but isn't too interested in buying at anything but a forced sale price, which it is not.

Yes we would split and sell farm then timber land if necessary. And if we go with an auction we will do the sell timber first, farm ground second, then hold those bids and reopen to see if anyone will increase the bid amounts to buy it all. A very common auction method which often adds several thousand to the total sale price.

Thanks to all for your comments.

"I love living. I have some problems with my life, but living is the best thing they've come up with so far." � Neil Simon,