Where is JHAP when you need him!! smile The GSF! Well I'll try to answer this.

1.........hmmmmm lets see.... Well when large they fight pretty hard!
2. They taste ok, and they make for good bait!

1. They are a predator fish so they compete for forage fish like crazy! And most of them 90 percent don't really get over 5 or 6 inches.
2. The only spawn once a year so they don't provide enough food for your LMB, SMB, or HSB really. There just kind of a filler fish. The red headed step child of ponds!!! smile

There just not really worth your time and effort put in to try and make them a decent fish! Don't get me wrong some folks have put in the time and have gotten some decent GSF, but I can put in half the time in BG, and CNBG and get a LOT more benefits!!!


The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!