sprkplug, I agree they seem loose. But I have hard time getting slack.

So do you adjust with the tire jacked off the ground and able to free spool? this way I can easily spin the tire but also means it is hard to pull tension as the tire can rotate one way or the other.

Also, the inside chain clasp is just a single hook, not a tensioner type. So do I hook that first and then try to pull slack out of the outside circle? I found through trial and error that if I got the wrong link on the inside hook (there are only 3 to pick from) that I couldn't even get the tensioner arm through the first link.

I'll get my brother over and maybe the two of us can get some better tension.

I thing part of it is truly that if these were mounted on my turf tires which are noticably shorter from top to bottom when lined up on the ground side by side, that the chain would overlap a bit more and look more 'matched for size'
