Thanks esshup for the information. I went to the fertilization comments on the forum list and what I learned was maybe I should not fertilize the pond. And like Pat and Bill, I also have FA growing around the woody structure and it's even growing in the water stream channel from the water well to the pond. Channel is about 12' from well output to pond, where the water cascades over rocks to increase oxygen into the water. I am thinking I will add some more alfalfa to the pond instead of fertilizer. I have clover and rye grain growing around the pond and it was fertilized just after the planting, so I am sure pond is getting fertilizer from the rains.
I have an 8.0 pH with the alk being @140 if memory serves me. So would you add the alfalfa? And Tilapia will be added as soon as the water temps let me. So what water temps would you introduce the alfalfa if needed for a bloom?

Do not judge me by the politicians in my City, State or Federal Government.
