Waterlilies fall into certain categories of type:

between 'coarse' (fast growing rampant growth, low flower to leaf ratio) -these are sometimes vigorous enough to outgrow water lily crown rot....

....to the 'choice' water lilies (tend to grow on the spot, dont make so many crowns, flower prolific) which are going to show a problem if infected by crown rot... even in the best conditions they would hardly flower, barely break the surface with leaves, and one day just fizzle out

In good conditions a choice water lily might have a flower to leaf ratio of one big gobsmacking bud for every four leaves.... james brydon, frobelli, charles de meurville, lucida, indianas can do that... the choice waterlilies might spread one foot a year at best, while the 'coarse' waterlilies might plod four feet a year as they 'spread'

regards, andy