Originally Posted By: sprkplug
I've never been one to delegate much of anything, and that includes my finances. I'm not a gambler, and firmly believe that a dollar in MY hand is worth two in my portfolio....especially when someone else's hand is manipulating that portfolio. The more things I have under my direct control, the better.

My feelings are that whenever you let anyone else have any type of say-so, financially speaking, you're screwed. Maybe not today, or tomorrow or next week....but it's coming.

Many of you know that I am self-employed in my little one man repair shop. And while that is certainly no guarantee of success, (far from it), at least my individual success or failure is in my own hands to a much greater degree than if someone else were calling the shots.

I've never shared this before, but I had a great job before doing what I do now. I have no doubt that it was the best job I will ever have. But it wasn't really MY job....I was simply doing it for someone else. And one day, that someone else decided the grass looked greener south of the Rio Grande. C-ya.

I keep this letter in a cheap frame, on my desk here in the shop. Whenever I have a crappy work day, I sit down and read it. Yeah, the day may not get any less crappy, but at least I'm the one deciding which direction I go from here. But hey, they recognized the concern it created for myself and my family, right?

Great story Tony and thanks for sharing! Been there done that and still doing as far as sole proprietor. I don't make a lot of money but I have a lot of freedom. Now that my house and property is paid off I have even more freedom!

Lusk's story is a good one too. He worked his way out of the trenches like many of us.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.