Merry Christmas to All smile
After a Family gathering on Christmas Eve, I have some quit time this morning before this Great Day begins. So I would like to a moment to see what you fine people think about this. What if I was to make a small area of lets say 30x30' and closed in with some type of small mesh 1/4" +or-. This is a new pond so not much for the grass shrimp to eat. But I am thinking Willow limbs along the bank. They stay green for a couple of weeks, slowly dying and providing food and cover to the shrimp. Hoping the shrimp will eat the willow leaves and replacing the willows as needed. Would this give the shrimp a place to reproduce until you say open the gates. Let the shrimp disperse into the bigger world of the pond. You think that might work?
I am thinking a pond full of 3" CNBG along with the RES are going to have a feast if I release 1000 this spring. Pat said he does not think of it as work when he collects the shrimp and Gams but I am thinking a lot of work to trap a thousand or so and with all that work I hate to see the fish lick their lips for 1 day feast frown

Do not judge me by the politicians in my City, State or Federal Government.
