Originally Posted By: esshup

Even e-shocking won't remove all of them, but if done at the correct time of the year, you should be able to remove the majority of them, allowing you to continue with your goals for the pond.

Angling just removes the LMB that will bite, leaving the hook smart fish in the pond. The e-shock boat doesn't give the LMB that choice. If they are within the electric current field, they are stunned and can be netted out of the pond.

I am probably going to get hammered for this and most won't agree, but experienced anglers, with the right weather in the spring and several days CAN catch the vast majority out of a pond.

Two years ago a buddy of mine was draining a two acre pond and in a couple of nice days in April we fished it hard, removing everything we caught and when he drained it there were five adult bass left.