I started raising European Night Crawlers. I oredered a bunch and set them in there new homes.. Lo and behold the next morning they were all over the garage but someone forgot to tell me to leave the light on for the first few nights. Anyway since then they have been doing great. I have many many babys. All I started with was peat moss and one small wooden box maybe 1 1/2 by 1 and now I have this rich soil and 2 boxes full of worms. Mine eat everything from the coffee grinds to vegtables to paper, you pretty much name it and they eat it. I dont put meat in there. The cardboard egg creat holders you buy the eggs in are great the worm love them. These euro worms are uni sex or something they just lay eggs all the time. I got plenty of worms to fish with, heck I get enough to feed the fish once in a while and there no bother at all, they never crawl out now and add food once in a while and water and thats it. These worms tolarate pretty low temps and pretty high temps to. There about twice as big as the red wigglers and more resemble a night crawler but smaller with a nice tough hide.
