This is an update on the "worm bucket." Grandchildren swarmed all over the place, yesterday, and I dug into my worm farm for bait. We caught some whoppers and my son said my favorite words, words I have heard a lot from various guests this year, "These are the biggest bluegill I have ever seen."

I had forgotten one of my buckets in a corner, and when I checked it yesterday, it had smaller numbers of worms, but they were larger than in the other container. There were no recently hatched worms, so I suppose they had quit reproducing.

The only things special about this bucket are that (since I forgot it was there) I haven’t added any coffee grounds since March and haven’t disturbed them in any other way. Survival of the fattest?

I did add a new supply of freebee spent coffee grounds to it, today, and will see what happens. As usual, I held out 4-6" of contents, mixed the grounds with the remainder, and added the reserved soil back. So far, that method has been 100% effective in preventing infestation by maggots.