heronblu -- I am interested in your home made worm farm. Can you educate us further? Would you please provide more details about how you grow these worms? I have numerous questions, please bear with me.

1. What type of worms are they? garden worms, leaf worms, night crawlers, redworms?

2. HOw big of a bucket do you use?

3. Where do you store the bucket while the worms grow and multiply?.

4. How often do you have to add new coffee grounds? Is all that you add are coffee grounds? How many grounds do you add each time?
How do you get the gounds to bottom of the bucket. Dump it out, and refill?

5. How many worms are in the bucket at any one time?. Do they get overcrowded and need thinning? HOw often?

6. Any major worm die offs?

7 What temperature seems to be best for growing these worms?

8. Do you have to add moisture to the bucket and how often?.

9. Do you keep a lid on the bucket? If so does the lid have holes in it?

10. How long have you been doing this?

11. Any photos to the operation?

Thanks for the advice.

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