Originally Posted By: Bill Cody
I think this is the link that Catmandoo was referring to for Dr.Willis' article The Secret Sex Life of Bluegills.

One thing that I wonder about from the quoted article, how do we get so much reproduction from a newly stocked pond where the fish are only a couple of years old?

Nature obviously causes at least some of the fish to mature early in absence of larger mature males and females.

But if these fish matured early and put energy to reproductive organs, how can the first batch of fish get so big so quick? I've heard it said that it is hard to get subsequent generations to perform as well as the original stocking. Yet these original fish stocked must mature early, don't they? How do they grow gonads and size at the same time?

Seems there is some conflicts in there somewhere. Maybe I just think too much.

Last edited by snrub; 11/17/14 10:28 PM.


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