One point to consider when looking at property is the neighbors. If there are possible trespassing issues, and people walking/sneaking in to fish your pond, they can completely screw up your pond in a short time. The more neighbors you have, the more potential problems. All you need is one great neighbor to sell their place to a not so great neighbor and the troubles begin.

Another thing to think about in wanting a "trophy" LMB pond is the number of fish that you can raise in that pond. Basically you can have approximately 75 to 100 pounds of LMB in a pond if it's aerated and supplementally fed. That is LMB of all sizes and ages. Typically in a smaller pond it is hard to trophy LMB, but that also depends on your defination of a trophy.

You should order this book and read it to make sure your goals will fit your dreams. Raising Trophy Bass

If you want a fish that fights hard, and is easier to raise and manage, look into Hybrid Striped Bass.
3/4 to 1 1/4 ac pond LMB, SMB, PS, BG, RES, CC, YP, Bardello BG, (RBT & Blue Tilapia - seasonal).