
A little background on my pond ...

1/4 acre built in fall 2013 (3 to 9 feet depth) and expanded a little in July 2014. Plan to expand more in 2015 and go to 12 feet on addition.

Stocked with 500 or so FHM April 2014
Once the FHM were spawning well, stocked 75 BG 2 to 6 inches thru June
Also added 15 CC 8 to 10 inches

In July a friend gave me 6 YP 3 to 5 and 1 WE 8 in (WE added as a novelty catch)

In August added 5 SMB 8 to 10 (Took these cause they were free. Pond will have LMB as top predator in the future. SMB will be a novelty catch). Also 1 Drum and 1 RKB added for novelty catch.

Currently lots and lots of FHM and BG fry

Fall stocking plan for this week

100 PS 2 to 3
10 LMB 5 to 8
25 YP 5 to 7

Currently there is little vegetation. (I am working with Bill Cody on the vegetation plan for next spring.) Cover is several brush piles and logs.

I figure if any territorial battles occur during the upcoming stocking, probably due mostly to the small pond size and lack of vegetation cover, it would be the BG not happy about the introduction of PS. Hopefully, the lower water temps and the relatively small size of the PS will make it a non-issue.

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Be Brave Enough to Suck at Something New!