Sounds like a good idea on the surface.
While I'm an optimistic person and love good ideas, I'm in the unenviable spot to have to fulfill these good ideas.
Seems we are all stretched pretty thin. That's the moderators, and our staff at PB. We're working overtime on the upcoming conference right now and I'm about to start on the Jan-Feb issue of the magazine as well. I don't like to do things if I'm not convinced we can do it right. Plus, I need to think about our advertisers, too. An example of that is what happens when someone makes a home made aeration system and then wants to sell it on our forum? I'll hear about it from paying advertisers and then those who buy these products from the website. Who guarantees the stuff for sale? If someone sells something that's defective, how do the complaints affect us?
Here are the biggest obstacles:
1) Not enough staff to bird dog this daily.
2) Protecting our good, vetted, advertisers.
3) Not enough money to justify the effort.

If I had some comfort level of overcoming these primary obstacles, I'd sure consider doing it.

Teach a man to grow fish...
He can teach to catch fish...