I've had more than just a little experience with this. As a moderator, I would not be in favor of such a service. But, it really is Pond Boss Lusk's decision.

I expressed my opinions years ago on this thread: Can we get a new forum section?

On other forums I'm involved with, we have had a number of issues with scams. For the moderators and administrators of this site, we constantly are eliminating spammers that make it past our fairly extensive security software every night. My feeling is that the scammers would do the same, causing liability for Pond Boss, the administrators, and the moderators.

I would also refer people to this thread on a site where I am active: Anatomy of an Internet Scam. It is one of a number of similar threads. Each new technique to try and solve the problem results in other issues.

My personal feeling would be that if we were to start such a service, it would need to be monitored full time by a professional -- probably paid.


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