Quick update,

Well I was at work yesterday morning talking to someone and all of a sudden my cell phone went off. I wasn't in a big hurry to get it as I was in mid sentence with this other fella and didn't want to seem rude! I finally grabbed it and looked to see who it was and I FREAKED OUT!!! I couldn't believe it was Noah! I answered right there and told the other guy sorry I HAD to take this!!

It was good to hear from my boy! He said he is doing fine and has gone through all the dumb stuff like hair cut, getting ACU's, shots, more exams and all that!! He said he is now finally going into Red Phase which is actual basic training! I think he already has a new found appreciation for home. He sure is saying he loves us a lot now!! smile

I sure miss him!! Can't believe I won't see him till Christmas.... Ughh... I told him to stay strong put the phone down and give him hell!! smile And as fast as the conversation started it was over... frown

I know he'll be fine it's just tough as a dad who has never been away from his boy for more then a couple of days!!! I try to stay busy and not think to much about it. I won't complain though at least I know he's coming back at Christmas! It will be the best Christmas gift I have ever gotten bar none!



The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!