Thank everyone for their replies. We're SO excited with the Pond and it's got it first water going in! We rode around a couple of weeks ago and we remembered the retirement place his Mom is at has rock around it and we have decided - NO ROCK. We want the pond to be more natural looking and if a problem down the road, we'll deal with added rock whatever then (even though it may be more costly). We did an aerial measurement and looks like the pond is at 1:12 acre. I'm going to put a couple of willows on the Penninsula and a corner with some pines and leave the rest for easy mowing (as my hubby has to do that part \:\) ) Skip the rock, give me a peddle boat (does anyone know what brand/average price are on one with a motor--I see lots running $600 to $900--I'd buy a used one even)--I've got time to shop? The Farmer's Wife.