i should stay away from this thread w/ a ten foot pole. if you dont have a local source of rock either on your own property or local quarry, it is REALLY expensive to get, at least out here. Fortunately, my whole property is on bedrock,,,,,,,rock, rock, more rock....the more the merrier, i love looking at it, using it, i mulch my plants w/ it....keeps the gophers out and moisture in ...... i collect rocks, have them in the house on shelves, the birds, lizards, snakes, toads, frogs, salamanders, wildflowers, adn below water i'm sure the gambusia and GSF are loving every rock i got.....to each his own.

it is quite easy to place rocks and minimize the "man-made" appearance......take a look at any japanese garden book....mimick nature.

sorry, i had to pipe up on rocks. dont listen to me Mark.

GSF are people too!