Thanks for posting that report and scale.

Did you have the pond soil tested ?

Water usually over time reflects the soil content but it can be different based on the watershed and runoff. More so in a new pond. Is this a excavated pond or does it have a dam? Was lime added during construction? What are you pond goals ( fishing , swimming , etc)?

Assuming you soil and water are similar you could use a little agg. lime to get the alkalinity up although it is now above the min. level of 20ppm.

Nos. 1 , 2, 4 and ph are all related to the pond water being slightly acid even though the ph does not currently reflect that. It is not unusual in water tests for the ph to not be reflective of the overall situation because ph changes widely through the day. Adding agg. lime will offset their low numbers for a period of time 2-5 years. Alkalinity is a good thing to monitor. Here are 2 links to understanding water quality. list

DIED I am fairly sure those scales are for ponds/fish based on the ranges given. I have not seen tham set out that way before. Does anyone know what SAR is ?