Wow!! 7K without installation gotta be crazy!! As the old song goes my friend.

"You Better Shop Around" IMO that's way to high. With out seeing this pond if you say it's pretty much triangle I would say you need 3 stations. 3, 9 inch fusers on each station.

Your weighted hose and your pump or pumps are going to be your biggest cost.

Do you have electrcity near by? If so that's half the battle.

Even vertex fusers are not that expensive. I think there like 30 or 40 dollars a piece. So lets do some math.

Lets see.

You need 9 vertex fusers at let say $45 bucks and that may be high. That's $405 dollars

You may be able to get 1 pump to run the farther air station and 1 pump to run the 2 other stations and use a gang valve to equal out air to both of them. Pumps can be costly.

So let say you bought 2 pumps lets go big and say they are 3/4 horse considering I have only a 1/3 horse on my 1 acre pond 2 / 3/4 horse pumps should be more than enough for you. Remember this is just a basic guess here of course you can get specs on your pumps to fit them better to your needs. But with 2 of your 3 stations being in 8 feet of water or so 3/4 should be over kill / plenty! So let say 2 pumps. I never seen a 3/4 brand new over 1000 dollars? But lets just say they were a grand a piece! Thats $2000.00 dollars for pumps. Now you need weighted hose 5/8ths inch ID is good. This stuff is not cheep either.

I bought 75 feet from Ted Lea(God rest his soul) for like 120 bucks. So lets figure high once again! So lets say you need 800 feet of hose.

2 stations get 200 feet and the 3rd station gets 400 feet cause it's farther out there in the pond.

If you do the math with what I paid from Ted. Take 800 / 75 that = 10 then take that times 120 bucks you get $1200.00 dollars for your hose.

The only other thing you need is a little bit of PVC to connect up your fusers and to the main air lines and a weighted down plastic milk crate to put them on. So let say all of that coset 300 bucks. What do we have.

Fuser cost $405 dollars
Pumps cost $2000 dollars
Hose cost $1200 dollars
Misc cost $300 dollars.

Total = $3905.00 for one heck of s system!! Keep in mind these numbers are retail give or take. And they want to charge you 7K and NOT installed NO WAY man like I said they must think you have money to burn! Wow!

Sorry this just upsets me it's like seeing a girl going to see a car mechanic they see them coming from a mile away!


Side note to this. If they are figuring you are gonna need 4 or 5 stations price of course will vary some but still not 7K before install.......

Last edited by RC51; 09/08/14 09:32 AM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!