Hey GW....

Utterly one of the best BSFL resources on the web; kudos to you and the rest of the gang for what you've done. read it all in two sittings after finding the thread a day or two ago, wish I had found it earlier.

Just had my first larval colony in a BioPod+ recently died, guess I really didn't do something right because it stank to a greater or lessor extent from pretty much day one, then I got confused by some postings regarding how much water should be in the colony; they probably died from dehydration but I am not sure.

It had two loads from DipTerra and four from PhoenixWorms.

I got a number of the lil' monsters to self-harvest after a while and I put them in a box with wood chips and I'm letting them mature, probably half have flown off by this point. I run into them every once in a while in the garden. No eggs as of yet, even though I put out a small bait-chamber with fermented (sourdough yeast and lactobacillus) cracked-corn in it. I may make up a batch of Gainsville Fly Diet and give that a try as well...

Part of the problem, vis–à–vis mating/breeding may be the weather here in San Francisco, summers are a "bit" foggy and we have rarely hit the mid to upper-70's in our area during the summer. The BSFs have been pretty lethargic as a consequence. (I did see somewhere that they require a high level of UVa in addition to heat to get active. True?)

Have to say one thing, wish I had one of the old, Mk-I BioPods, I am not really impressed with the Plus variant. For one thing, at least one of the lil' monsters escaped down the sides for every one that I was able to 'harvest' in the catch. A couple of the local racoons sent their thanks for a delightfully crunchy meal as a consequence recently. After I clean the Plus, I'm going to add a ledge and a few other mods. One mod I am seriously considering is reworking the drainage system.

Has anyone else had these or other issues with the BP+?