Dirk and George, thank you both so much for the great info!

The fly rod my cousin taught me on and left with me for a while I'm guessing was 8' 6" and possibly 8wt since I had no troubles at all with casting heavier flies so that certainly makes sense. And with struggling with just the wooly bugger, I can't imagine trying that jitterbug looking fly!

And I too am still fuzzy-brained and on my first cup of coffee so as I soak all of that in, can you also address the issue of not being able to get much distance, even on the lighter flies?
Originally Posted By: Lovnlivin
I'm also struggling with getting much distance. It seems the more line I let out, the more it loads up(?) yet I'm trying real hard to not go forward or back until the fly/fly line has fully extended.

Yet maybe that too is just a matter of needing more practice, and maybe without a fly tied on?

Thanks again!


PS - It's 7am and feeding time so I'm off for more 'practice'

Last edited by Lovnlivin; 08/30/14 06:56 AM.

Keith - Still Lovin Livin

(a short video tribute to the PB members we met on our 5 week fishing adventure)

Formerly: 2ac LMB,HSB,BG,HBG,RES