
Plant ID is the first and most important step in controlling nusiance aquatic vegetation. Make sure you are dealing with the correct plant before doing anything.

IF the vegetation in your pond is identified as watermeal or duckweed, there are two effective means of control:

1. Tilapia (depends on availability, climate and state regulations)

2. Reward with a tank mix of cutrine (apply according to manufacturer's label)

Duckweed and watermeal are typically more difficult to control with herbicides than herbaceous fish. The tiny plant is able to hide itself in shoreline vegetation and avoid herbicides. These plants reproduce rapidly and can become dense in a short period of time.

Herbaceous fish such as tilapia, when stocked at the right rate, can typically keep up with the growth more effectively than herbicides.

Also, duckweed and watermeal are indicators of a high phosphate content in your pond. It might be a good idea to also reduce the amount of nutrients in your pond at the same time you are trying to control the vegetation. Managing your watershed and utilizing beneficial pond microbes will help reduce your overall phosphate concentration.

Hope this information helps!