Guys please just stop the roll of this thread for a moment. I have been a biologist since 1994, but have only been dealing in this industry for 2 years. In the beginning I was asked our procedures, and I answered this question. Then a barrage of questioning came that I could not answer, and I stated that (on several posts). Are our methods right or wrong? I do not know. Our ways are what I was taught, and until joining this forum only three weeks ago I never had a reason to question these procedures. Now with all the information I have read here and elsewhere I agree it is a subject that we might need to change. But I still am not comfortable enough with the subject to speak accurately on it. Do not misconstrue any of my words as an evasive tactic with a hidden agenda. See it for what it honestly is as a person with a scientific background who is taking an intellectual approach towards researching a subject that she is not familiar with. Give me straight biology, and I am comfortable defending what I have learned through the years. This thread however is all new to me, and the least you can do is give me the time to research that I have asked for. Again this is not evasiveness, but an admitted lack of knowledge in a particular area.

Thank you,


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