Hey Greg! Your question is still in regards to our water testing and the chemical components/recommendations. Give me time to research please. I know we do not recommend the ag lime, but as I stated to you before I do not feel comfortable without further research. I did read over our water test directions last night, and I discovered that we test in gpg (grains per gallon) instead of ppm. So our testing methods are different from yours. I am more than sure your methods are more accurate, but we can't travel to a different state everyday to test straight from the pond. My real concern with someone's water quality (when fish are dying) is ammonia and pH levels. But again let me remind you that I am still in the research part of this so give me some time.

By the way, I asked this question on another thread but would like to hear from you also. Why fertilize a pond? Please don't answer me like you did before with what you learned in school... I am curious about your field experience. No offense about the school thing (been there - done that), but times and teachings change. Remember that for decades people believed the earth was flat because that was what they were taught. Also doctor's go to school for years, then intern, then residency, yet they "practice" medicine until they retire (in other words they continue to learn and adapt). One week they tell you cheese causes cancer, and the next week they will say it is the best thing for preventing heart disease (unfounded analogy). That is because life is in constant change, and we have to change with it. I am not saying anyone here has to change (I'm kinda playing devil's advocate), but let's all entertain the thought. You know what I am saying.

Anyway, tell me about what you do!


Do fish actually kiss?