It's been a while so here is an update:
I have stocked a total of 14 smallmouth bass in the pond. After trying since July 2013 to find a source that would sell me a small number I gave up and went fishing. Kept 14 6-11" smallmouth that were fat and had good WR and stocked them in the pond in late October. One of the 11" fish has grown like mad as last weekend I caught a 18" smallmouth that had to weigh 3 lbs with a swollen gut (no scale or camera with me) it was the first fish of any kind that I had caught out of the pond (although I have not had much time to fish with a 5 month old and a 3.5 year old to take care of). Bites are not easy or frequent but that is what I expected with only 14 fish stocked. Never saw any beds or evidence of spawning in the spring, I think the weather really messed them up (which is what all the hatcheries were saying as well).

There is a guy who works on the farm during the week and he has caught a few good smallies, a nice RES, and two yellow perch. He fishes with live worms in the evening. So I am pretty confident things are going well.

This past weekend my daughter and I went to the farm to plant new spiral eelgrass as none of the other eelgrass has taken hold. Planted 50 new plants and I am really hoping they take hold. If not I am going to start looking for alternatives. I don't even care if it is eurasian milfoil, I just want some vegetation!

The shallow area of the pond has silted in pretty bad in the last year. My father has decided to dig out the accumulated muck in the shallows and have a smaller pond built 150 yards up stream to collect the sediment. The new pond has a dam and overflow and is going to be 60'x30' when full. Construction will be finished this week. Obviously I am going to use this pond as a forage pond. I am hoping to stock spotfins and bluntnose when the pond is finished. This pond needs to be easily dredged so I cannot put vegetation or lots of rocks in it. I will make more CD spawning structures and I will put some easily moved bluntnose spawning structure in there as well. Anything I should be aware of in making a spotfin/bluntnose forage pond? If I can ever get them I will also be putting lake chubsuckers in this forage pond.