
I think I'd contact your local Extension Service Aquaculture coordinator. You should be able to find that person by searching for Extension Service and your county's name.

Australian native trees are very different from Northern Hemisphere varieties, even though they have lived in the country for a few centuries. I don't know a lot about Australian trees, and I certainly don't know much about California eucalyptus plantings, other than I've seen miles and miles of them when traveling along the coastal highways.

I know that that Koala bears have developed immunity to the toxic effects of Eucalyptus leaves. I have also read where Australian Aborigines used eucalyptus leaves to stun fish so they could easily be caught, much like Native Americans have used the hulls of black walnuts to stun fish so they can easily be caught. The toxins do not affect humans.

Maybe one of our West Coast friends will pop in with advice. But, in the meantime, I'd rely on the advice of your local aquaculture extension service agent. Most are PhDs, at major universities, with extensive aquatic plant and fisheries experience.


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