Hi there. My husband and I bought land in Vermont years ago and have recently built on it. Unfortunately, we are one of those couples that got 'taken' by the GC because we were building from afar. One of the 'dreams' for the property was to put in a pond. We really can't afford to pay someone to do it at this point, but I'd still like to do it. It won't happen this year but I'm hoping it may happen next year. We've got a really good spot where the land slopes down, levels out, and then slopes down again. Not sure how big of a pond it will be - I'm horrible with sizing right now and to be honest, I'm still stuck working here in Virginia to pay off some of the debt we've acquired so I don't really get to see the property to get a good gauge.

Ok - back to the pond. What are the first steps I should be taking? I know a permit isn't required and again - nothing will be done this year. I just want all my ducks in a row for next year. Will it be possible for someone who knows nothing to build a pond from scratch? I just don't want to pay someone if we don't have to and that would push the pond back to another few years from now at this point. Thanks very much.