Originally Posted By: RC51

I also noticed that when I did an overhand cast I seem to be able to cast farther if I let the line lay down in the water behind me before I bring it forward... Is that weird or what? Course that doesn't help when I am on the shore fishing!! smile Either way I am HOOKED NOW baby!!! smile


Not weird at all, That's a "water load". its done alot when fishing in a river and drifting flies with the current. The flies eventually get downstream of you and the fly line is straightened out. At this point you can flip/cast the fly back upstream for another drift.
I use it all the time when nymphing for Steelhead.

One of the biggest mistakes I see beginners do is not stopping/pausing on the back cast. This stop/pause lets the line straighten out and it causes a tug (load) that you should be able to feel on the rod. At this point you start the forward cast.