Ladies and Gentlemen,

Bill Cody has asked me to come on the site and make my case so here goes.

I decided to stop participating on the website because I got tired of of JKB personally attacking me, my DIY systems, and even my father whom he's never met. Nothing as far as I could tell was being done about it other than a few warnings. I've complained and it feels like it doesn't matter. One moderator said, "Oh just ignore him." Another said "You like to stir the pot too."

Well I tried the ignore approach and JKB just got more insolent.

The thing is the attacks come right out of the blue and for the life of me I can't figure out what starts them.

What really amazes me is JKB has actually been banned on this site, when he was known as Phil and came back as JKB. At least some of the mods know this, and apparently it's not a big deal. And he's also been banned on the AquaNic website (no longer exists) because of his behavior.

Sure I've posted some threads that got out of hand (For the life of me I can't understand how threads regarding weather ends up with Al Gore and Global Warming or politics), but I have never purposely insulted or trashed anyone here.

I've been called an ***hole in a P.M. by this individual, I've been asked if I'm taking my meds on the forum, I was called a liar in the last thread I posted, my father and American soldiers were trashed by him in a thread when I asked advice on putting up a flag pole for my dad with his Special Forces flag. I wanted to surprise him when he came back from Florida. There was something to the effect that his grandfather rescued his relatives in a POW camp in WWII and our troops pale in comparison. That's impressive JKB but I'll have you know my father raided at least one POW camp in North Vietnam to rescue POW's. If you don't respect the sacrifices our troops have made maybe you should try going back to Poland.

For some reason JKB you take it personal if I don't agree with you. You get all bent out of shape and go in a tirade. I don't know if it's because you're insecure, you're arrogant, or I intimidate you for some reason. I offered to bury that hatchet, as some of the mods know and you agreed. Then you start right back up again.

I just see no point in being here if I have to look forward to being attacked on a regular basis. It's not tolerated on the website where I moderate. And we sure don't welcome banned members and we definitely wouldn't tolerate bad behavior from someone that is technically banned.

Oh and JKB if you're going to try and come off as an expert in recirculating systems maybe you should actually build one or even raise some fish. I'm no expert but at least I have some experience.

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 07/11/14 12:43 PM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.